From Information to Insights.
From Confusion to Clarity.

Negatives to Narratives Coaching M.E.T.H.O.D.™ by Dr. BerylJoe

Hi, I am Dr. BerylJoe- with thINK on my fINKertips, Thinker, writer, author, and compassionate and strategic health enthusiast, I think through the much information on media today. But how do you know which one will bring relief for your pain? How do you avoid the distraction and the despair? What’s the next step then? Not all of the information is for you, or me. You deserve none of the confusion! Instead of information, I bring you insights. Instead of confusion, take up the clarity that I deliver to you. I believe in the power of words to make insights real, and to enhance clarity that leads to action. A life of discipline is yours. 

Your mind, your relationships and your stories, matter. 

Certified Life Coach, Founder and Visionary CEO of “Negatives to Narratives Coaching M.E.T.H.O.D.™” I will walk with you and talk with you along your emotions and journeys. I will help you navigate how to:

1. Stop doing the good stuff; no wallows in pity!

2. Start the great; welcome your identity

3. Sustain the extraordinary results; wield your testimony

4. Soar towards an exponential life; win your territory

Understand the Four Laws of vulnerability, valuability, visionability and visibility. Stop drooping. Start gathering. Change is not only necessary, but mandatory, causatory and finally “sanctifactory.”  Answer the why and tell your story; the amazing script of your life with beautiful plots designed to initiate ever-lasting change! Move from what if to what now, to what next!

Listen, Learn, Laugh, Live. 


Your Mind, Your Relationships, Your Stories, Matter!

Believe in possibilities,
Pursue potential,
Score clear on action plans,
Embrace the Kingdom-powered mindset.


An author, avid reader, writer of thousands of words and a world traveller, I will show you how your words can wield power for your mind, your relationships and your stories.

I have coached over 350 women and men from mental warfare to mind wealth. Come with me. Master the power of your vulnerability, find the techniques that lead you to the pleasure in realizing how valuable you are; understand why your vision must be greater than you, and harness your opportunity to be visible beyond you. Make lasting decisions. Let what you say salvage, not slay you. 

You are valuable and worth the visibility that inspires. I will help you, through my M.E.T.H.O.D.™ to answer your in-between questions and inspire you beyond where you are to where you desire to be. Transformative words change negatives to narratives. Get on board! Think Through Things!

Wield your words to win in Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories. 

Join me now in discovering how your words change your life, LITERARY!

Vulnerability is your Stage; stand up and own
Your Value, the Step; seize it now
Your Vision, the Lights; see beyond the horizon
Your Visibility, the Legacy; listen, learn, laugh, live


“Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories, Matter!


think on these things...

...whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8



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