
Certified Proactivity Coach, Passionate Speaker, Poet and Writer, Author and Quotist, Musician and Law School Graduate, I am a global citizen, travelling within 5 continents and so far, lived in 12 countries.

I am launching a fantastic course in 2024

My very own Coaching program: "Negatives to Narratives Coaching M.E.T.H.O.D.™"

Together with my loving, gem-tleman husband Dr. Joe

We are curving our own entrepreneurial path as owners of 66 acres of farm land, doing agriculture.

I ranked first position out of 2308 participants at an International Conference

As the most engaging and interactive person on a platform for creating projects, calling for partnerships and organizing people, scoring 875,900 points followed by the next person at 503,400 points.

I co-authored the most number of papers with my Professor

Co-authored the most number of papers with my Professor during my doctoral studies.

My journey as a global citizen, travelling within 5 continents and, lived in 12 countries so far and going 13, my perspectives about life are continually renewed with lessons and opportunities, both great and small. 

"SmALL beginnings can be the ALL in our journeys." #BerylJoeQuotes
"If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way." Napoleon Hill

Vulnerability is your Stage; stand up and own
Your Value, the Step; seize it now
Your Vision, the Lights; see beyond the horizon
Your Visibility, the Legacy; listen, learn, laugh, live


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Catch glimpses of courage from the words I curve and craft for you!

Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories, Matter!


The heart of the wise teacheth his mouth, and addeth learning to his lips. - King Solomon


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