Hi, I am Dr. BERYLJOE!
I call myself a ScriptoPreneur™...


Immanuel Kant  posited, “the hand is the visible part of the brain.” Researcher and Literary expert Maryanne Wolf says, “technology is reducing the need for written language- a change sure to have profound consequences for our future.” 

As communicator and scriptopreneur, my hands are also the devices through which you receive my transmissions.  They color messages in ways you do well to understand. My hands are skilled communication tools. So, ScriptoPreneuring?- coming to that in a second!

I have worked as a Director of an International Non-Governmental Organization and as a Consultant for the  United Nations. I have edited and written for a major US based, international Non-governmental organization and worked in the deserts of a war torn country. Most of all, my greatest joy is tucked right here in words – writing, speaking and coaching. 

“ScriptoPreneur™” is my self-created word to describe my passion for writing by hand daily; a practice I have maintained for 30 years straight; a channel through which I receive daily ioths™ (inspirations of the Holy Spirit)

Ideas and new words penetrate my mind ever so quickly! I flourish when I grow and cultivate words into objects of meaning that transform the gardens of human Minds, Relationships and Stories. Out of my ScriptoSoleum™ ( pen-and-paper journals library) are sweet gems for Your Mind, Your Relationship and Your Stories. My own hand (extension of my brain) has exercised daily for 30 years to strengthen the muscles of thought! As an avid reader, I have revolutionized my communicative lifestyle into a strategic move, not only by studying it, but by implementing it daily, consistently for 30 years now. “Books do, indeed, enable deep reflection.” Susan Greenfield.

It is my “ONE THING” to help you Wield Your Words to Win in Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories. 

So, welcome to BERYLJOE.COM I am glad you are here! 

Yours truly, 

Dr. BerylJoe (PhD, Strategic Communication)

As little as 4, my best toy was a pen! Scribbling and writing on walls and light on bulbs in bedrooms in my childhood home is what I did. I loved it when my parents came back home from shopping. I offered free assistance to unpack stuff, not because I was looking for chocolate or sweets, but because I had a ready pen, to take down into my little notebook, the words I saw on the items unpacked. Receiving my first fountain pen was the greatest Christmas gift my parents gave me. Opening the ink bottle and feeding my pen to the full, writing my own words on a page, ensuring the spills were all cleaned up, continue to be a reminder of how God pours words into my heart, fills me up and allows me to share them on the tablets of the hearts of others. I spill a lot, but He cleans me up! Going to school,  spelling bees and composition writing were my reason for waking up. History classes were my best because the teacher dictated notes! I enjoyed penning down every word she said! In 1996, I hand-wrote my first 1 Year ( 366 Days) Devotional Book, word after word. I entitled it, DECIDE (Discover the Everlasting Christ in Daily Experiences). I cherish this gem. Unbeknown to me as a divine pilgrimage even at that time, God was already revealing HIMSELF to me, daily.

Today, I own a ScriptoSoleum (a word I created to describe my hand-scripted Journals Library). What’s in these now thousands of pages? I’ll tell you…(in an upcoming book). It is my greatest earthly possession that remains endangered by fire and flood… hahah! It’s nothing expensive for this ScriptoPreneuring soul of mine, in love with daily journaling since September 19 1993. 30 years now, going on 31! Simple paper and pen…. a storehouse of my daily prayers, more than four thousand poems, several promises, prose, gratitude journaling, bucket lists, travel experiences, recipes, and thousands of self-generated quotes and much more. I am TOPPED (thinking-on-paper-and-pen-every-day)!

 The pilgrimage continues…

“You should study languages. You are an amazing writer. You are keen. You will make a good Lawyer.” I still hear my Dad’s words to my ears. While on campus, I wrote for the local newspaper. Soon after graduating with a Master’s degree in Communication while actively involved in the University’s Writers’ Club, I went on to my career as a Humanitarian Communicator – grant writing for projects, which won severally, including a place at the Global Health Council. My love for the proper use of language and words drove me to teach English in a desert – in one of the poorest places on the planet.The women rejected me as being to young to teach them, but sooner than later, we were friends and learners together on this humanitarian project. 

Recently, I was delighted when my doctoral committee chair, my Professor, said to me, “You are the number 1 student with highest numbers of papers co-authored with me.” 

Words have stayed with me as great companions. I have learnt to have a Notebook by my side while sleeping for when a great theme intrudes my mind – occasions which have resulted into little thoughts turned into full books. Today, I am the happy inheritor of my Dad’s typewriter, the man who inspired me, and taught me one of life’s greatest lessons – put a date on everything you write! My reminiscences refresh my own spirit! See my Dad’s typewriter on my logo! 

From this wellspring of words and experiences, God has poured into me His ioths (impressions of the Holy Spirit) which have birthed my writing ministry for the wandered, the wounded and the whole! I am here for Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories.

I have enjoyed using the gift of speech too, working as an Associate International Radio Correspondent for an International Radio Station, designing and presenting programs. I enjoy preaching and teaching the Word. I have spoken at Conferences and at local universities. You will come across the Bible studies I have written, especially for women. I have served as Women’s Ministries Director, Teen’s Ministries Director, Music Director, Health Director, counselor, mentor, and coach to many.

Faith. Inspired. Reflective. Entrepreneur (F.I.R.E.), I inspire others through my pen of purpose; intercede for others through the power of prayer, influence others through my passionate personality, and ideate and innovate projects that bless people in various places.

I am the Infinite-Jesus girl in love with His Word. I am a woman in love with the power of prayer with a strong belief in a daily Quiet Time with the Lord. I enjoy crafting studies and courses, and developing curricula. I will help you navigate from Mental Warfare to Mind Wealth through my Negatives to Narratives Coaching M.E.T.H.O.D.™ launching in 2024.

Why Proactivity: “begin with the end in mind?.” Well, I have rephrased that: “begin with the eternal in focus.” My Coaching M.E.T.H.O.D.™ does not leave you thinking about your future only, but also your future beyond the future you have here; the Forever that is prepared for you.

I also share tips with you on my podcast: beyond your YEArs™ so that you can learn to wield your Meaningful Words to live your Most Wonderful life. I help you navigate uncertainty in loving ways with the right mindset. I use language to help you discover the sanctifactory™ life God is calling you to: from mental warfare to mind wealth so that your mind is renewed, your relationships restored, and your stories repeatable. 

You can consistently believe in possibilities, actively pursue your potential, score clear on your plans of action, and embrace a kingdom powered mindset

Your Mind, Your Relationships and Your Stories, Matter!

Author and Proactivity Coach 

Dr. BerylJoe (PhD, Strategic Communication), Regent University.
Founder and Visionary CEO of Negatives to Narratives Coaching M.E.TL.H.O.D.™
Life Coach Presenter in Training, Halftime Institute & Promised Land Living.
Master of Arts (Law)- Human Rights and Rule of Law, Regent University.
Master of Arts (Communication) – Daystar University.
Bachelor of Science (Home Economics- Foods and Nutrition), University of Eastern Africa, Baraton.
Professional Diplomas in Coaching, Creative Writing and Graphic Design – Austin Peay State University.
Certificate Courses in Counselling, Gender Studies and Project Management, Daystar University.

My Family Life

My amazing  Hubby, Dr. JOE (Doctor in Strategic Leadership, Regent University), with a wealth of experience as an Executive and Senior Partner in a large global corporation, and I, Dr. B, make our home a haven. Together we have lived in four continents, travelled in five and will soon be making home in our 13th location, Greenland’s icy mountains. 

We are entrepreneurial and curious. We enjoy traveling together, discovering new places and cultures, and learning new languages. Music has a big place in our hearts. Joe is a gifted musician with an amazing range of voices. He plays flute and saxophone. We love to sing duets. I play violin and piano. We are both enthusiastic learners, consistently feeding our huge home library with tangible books, while fixing delicious plant based food together in our kitchen.

Your support means the world! Can’t wait to share my art, words, experiences, and more with you! 

Welcome on board!

Yours truly,
Dr. BerylJoe


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